Investing in the future of Grenada.

When Deborah Hicks Midanek, a New York City consultant, met Coley Bailey, a Mississippi cotton farmer, an unlikely story began to unfold. It didn’t take long for Deborah to fall in love with both Coley and his hometown of Grenada, Mississippi. Once married, Deborah and Coley settled in his hometown, and began to dream about the potential to revitalize the once all-but-abandoned Courthouse Square. Since 2008, they have been investing to restore and revitalize Grenada’s downtown district, bridging its rich history with growing potential for today.

Deborah hicks midanek bailey and coley bailey

Deborah hicks midanek bailey and coley bailey

Revitalization in Action.

42 Main Street; Howell Law Offices

97 First Street; First and Green Celebrations

97 First Street, Loft Apartments

109 First Street: Square Market - A Coffee Shop & More


Ready to see what’s possible for your downtown Grenada home or business? Contact our team!