About Prevail Fund

Prevail Fund was started in 2009 by Deborah and Coley Bailey as a tax exempt organization operating under the requirements of Section 501(c) of the US Internal Revenue Code and registered as a charity with the Mississippi Secretary of State.

Having seen in Mississippi the crippling dependence bred by simply giving money to the needy, Deborah has focused Prevail on providing tools to those seriously motivated to help themselves and others. Prevail Fund supports the development of self reliant people who in turn are helping others to help themselves. While ability is not limited by race, gender, or geography, the access to education and opportunity required to develop that ability often IS limited. We use our broad network to help open doors and gain that access.

Prevail Fund Action

In managing Prevail's activities, we evaluate not only the individual and her or his drive, character, and motivation, but also the nature of their dream to improve the condition of Mississippi. While not a scaleability test, we do look at practicality and apparent need for the skills and learning and humanity of the person we are supporting in helping make their dream reality.

We raise funds to provide educational opportunity, but go beyond that to focus on providing practical and emotional support and supplemental activities beyond the walls of educational institutions. Our focus is on helping our Prevail Scholars and Entrepreneurs first to nourish themselves and their needs for knowledge and skill, and then to help them nourish the communities they are choosing to serve.

Finally, each person who benefits from Prevail Fund investment of time, treasure, and talent, is explicitly expected to pay it forward by helping others in the growing Prevail Fund Network.

Prevail Fund Network

Our Network is broadly defined as including each of our Scholars and our Entrepreneurs. Beyond that, of course we are including our Donors and those who work with us to help realize dreams by providing scholarships and internships as well as paid employment.

How Can You Help?

We are pleased to have welcomed roughly 300 donors since we were formed, and of course as Coley and Deborah Bailey are major donors ourselves. We would like your support, in money of course, as tuition is are high. We also value gifts of time and talent.

Tax deductible donations can be made by clicking here. To donate appreciated securities or from on IRA, or to make donations in kind, see the instructions on the Donate page. If you like to donate time or talent, please use the Contact Us form on the Contact page to describe what you would like to do, or what further information you would like to receive.

Thank you for your interest in Prevail, and for reading this far!

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Deborah Bailey; Chairman, Prevail Fund, Inc.